for 2 Bass Clarinets
for Ensemble
for Voice, Trombone and Orchestra
for Violin
for female voice and ensemble
for Viola
for Low Voice
for 3 voices and 10 instruments
for Bassoon
for Bassoon
Study for Ensemble
for 4 Automobile Springs and Glass
for Violin, Viola and Violoncello
for Percussion
for Ensemble
for Percussion
(Marimba, 2 Log Drums, Woodblock, China gong)
for Springdrum
for Accordion
for Percussion
for Voice and Ensemble
for String Quartet
for Voice, Bassoon and Orchestra
for Voice, Bassoon, Accordion, Percussion
for Electric Guitar
for Electric Guitar
for Electric Guitar
for Ensemble
for Contrabass
for percussion and 6 instruments